
Top-Notch Travel Discounts for Teachers

Travel DiscountsFinding relevant travel discounts for teachers is quite a task. Some of them are only valid for a limited time and others are just plain scams. CE Tours wanted to make your life easier by doing some of the research for you. Here’s a list of the latest and greatest travel discounts for teachers that seemingly have no expiration date in sight.

Travel Discounts for Teachers

Best Western – Need a place to stay for your road trip? Best Western offers discounted hotel rates for all state and federal government employees. Just be sure to bring your official ID along with you.

MSC Cruises – Government employees can sail at discounted rates with MSC Cruises. These rates even apply to your parents, parents-in-law, spouses, and dependent children. An employee ID badge is required at time of booking.

STA Travel – Teachers can get discounts on flights, as well as the International Teacher ID card. Plus, STA offers great rates on global adventure tours, flexible rail passes, and more.

Educators Travel Network – Members can explore a variety of cities and countries without the huge cost of staying in a hotel. With an annual membership fee of $35, educators can become members of this “house swap” type of travel community. Here’s how it works.

StudentUniverse.com – While mostly a discount travel site for students, StudentUniverse.com also offers discounted flights for faculty and teachers.

Marriott – You should definitely call in advance to verify this one before booking, but it sounds as though Marriott Hotels offers government discounts at many locations. However, it has been reported that some locations only offer the discount to local state employees, so it would be wise to check with your particular planned location to see what their rules are.

Bonus: Here’s a comprehensive list of education discounts for zoos, museums, amusement parks, and other great attractions.

Travel Opportunities for Teachers

Hilton Teacher Treks Program – This program allows U.S. teachers to travel abroad for 2-3 weeks in order to explore and experience other cultures firsthand. K-12 teachers employed at accredited U.S. schools can apply to be part of the Hilton Teacher Treks Program.

Toyota International Teaching Program – This program sends educators across the globe for 2-3-week tours of countries that are actively exploring innovative solutions for environmental challenges. Eligible teachers get to take part in hands-on-activities as they explore these environmental and social issues. All of the experience and knowledge they’ve gathered can be used to create valuable lesson plans.

Temporary Travel Discounts for Teachers

Keep in mind that other places do offer temporary discounts for teachers from time to time. Unfortunately, many of them expire at the end of the year. If you plan on doing any traveling over Spring Break, you may want to do a Google search prior to planning your trip and see what kinds of great discounts for teachers you can find.

P.S. CE Tours offers educator incentives for its educational tour participants. Incentives include cash stipends, cash referrals, travel bonuses (think free hotels stays, cruises, etc.), and meeting stipends. Check them out and see how you can get rewarded on your next educational class trip!

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